At La Garenne we pride ourselves on the fact that we are a school with strong family values. The students are brought up to respect these values and behave accordingly. We expect very high standards of behaviour, we promote self-discipline, respect and good behaviour at all times and we do not tolerate bullying.
It is important, in order that discipline is fair and meaningful, a systematic and consistent use of rewards and sanctions are to be used throughout the School. The purpose of both rewards and sanctions are to promote good behaviour.
We place great emphasis on promoting positive behaviour through praise, encouragement, incentives and rewards, both verbal and written. Positive and constructive comments are written at the end of student's work to recognise effort, improvement and achievement of targets set. Stickers, stamps, Star of the Week certificates, postcards sent to parents and IPC personal goal cards are some of the awards used by class teachers. Depending on the number of points the student receives each week, the students are rewarded with extra shopping and treats at the weekend.
When a student's behaviour falls below an acceptable standard, a range of sanctions may be used to correct this. The first step is for the student to understand why their action was inappropriate and to help them not make the same mistake again; discussion between a member of staff and the student would be the first step. The child might then be sent to the Head teacher or to the Director to receive an appropriate sanction, dependent on the action. A student may be put on a weeks behavior report which needs to be signed and a comment needs to be made by each member of staff that student is with. Each week the children are evaluated and points are given or lost resulting in either sanctions or rewards. Please see the link below for more information about the school rules and points system.
Each classroom at La Garenne displays a reward system which links to the points they have achieved or lost over the week.