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Swiss charitable foundation of public utility operating for the benefit of disadvantaged children of the world.

Created in 1999, AClem foundation today is active in Africa and Asia with its own projects, thanks to a committed team of volunteers. Funded mainly through the professional activities of its founders Laura and Rosario (Attica Real Estate and Attica Art), AClem is also supported through private and corporate donations.



Mrs Clementina Kumin Bianchi, an exceptional woman, mother of the foundation board members Laura and Natalia, is the spiritual and material parent of « AClem foundation ». Mrs Kumin passed away on January 11, 1999 after a long illness and wished to entrust some of her wealth to the cause of poor children and suffering people. The foundation is named after her and was born because of her will expressed two weeks before her passing : a living bond with her daughters. An inheritance far more than financial … Clementina was a principled woman, beatiful and joyful, even if suffering was not a stranger in her life : Widow of Enrico at age of 40 she found support in a newly found faith, a spiritual hand, which followed her in the following 20 years. She devoted her life to her daughters, to her family, to literature, and to the least fortunate. The poignancy of her thoughts and the universality of her values are reflected in her writings, which she left us in her last will.

Since 1999, Laura and Rosario devote much of their time to furthering this cause which is integrated in their daily private and professional activities. It is thanks to the latter that Rosario was able implement a winning strategy aimed at providing a strong financial foundation to ACLEM and its mission. As of now, 55% of funds utilized each year to support the projects are personally donated by Laura and Rosario. An art company, Attica Art, has been created for the very purpose (see ethical links) of helping the 150 orphans of “Little Angels” in Uganda and the sixty Myanmar children feed themselves, obtain an education, and cure themselves. These are powerful means to reconnect with one’s human core.

Tassilo, Damiano and Leandro (Rosario’s grown-up sons) actively help AClem Foundation with fundraising and volunteer work.

In 2013, an “angel” joined the foundation; her name is Céline Gelli, a generous humanitarian professional who has taken over the operational direction of all projects on site and from Switzerland.


We all cultivate AClem’s values: hope, compassion and action.




Outstanding Features


One of the best boarding schools in the world is how parents describe us. La Garenne is highly valued by parents and students with a 96% satisfaction rate.
We are an international boarding school for children from 4 to 18 years old and located in Villars, a beautiful and sunny ski resort in the Swiss mountains of the Alps. We are a family-run private school and are proud of our values, close-knit international family atmosphere, security and cultural diversity.

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Primary School


Middle School


Senior School


We value academic excellence through highly committed and passionate teachers, inquiry-based learning, state-of-the-art educational technology.

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School Blog

Academic excellence, a warm international family ambience in which diversity is welcomed, and a safe location in exceptional surroundings, are our core values.

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Beyond the Classroom

Activities are extremely important in the development of a child. As well as enriching a child, these activities support his or her wellbeing, evolution...

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La Garenne Camps

Children from around the world join our authentic Swiss summer and winter camps, with a choice of sessions...

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Term Dates

Important dates of the school year

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Photo Gallery

Click on the image for the photo gallery: see school life at La Garenne and enjoy new photos each week...

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Boarding Life

Your child receives individual attention from our professional, caring staff. Our shared goal is to raise happy, motivated, healthy and resilient...

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Virtual Tour

Click on the image for a virtual tour: see La Garenne and Le Roc Campus and enjoy the extraordinary panorama...

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Our Values

Personal attention

International diversity

Global awareness

Healthy living

Passion for learning

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Academic Excellence

Accredited curriculum

Passionate teaching

Lessons in English

French for all

Small class sizes

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Beyond the Classroom

Outdoor learning

Art, drama & music


Snow sports

Clubs & activities

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Pastoral Care

Day & boarding

Safe environment

Wraparound care

Exceptional location

State of the art campus

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