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The La Garenne Blog


Primary School Welcomes Kate and Nana

We are very happy to welcome Kate and Nana to our Primary Section this term. Kate is from Moscow and is 11 years old and Nana joins us from Toyoko and is also 11 years old. We have been learning about Question Words this week in English and so we thought it would be fun to interview each other.
Welcome to La Garenne girls. How have you settled in so far?
Kate: Good, I have made some friends and I like the teachers.
Nana: Well, I like the school, especially the boarding house, playing and talking with my new friends. I like the animals in the farm.
What are your hobbies?
Nana: I like spending time with my friends, dancing and painting.
Kate: My hobbies are presenting on Youtube, I have a lot of followers, and I also like karate, I have joined the karate club here at LG.
How long have you been learning English?
Kate: I have been learning English for 6 years.
Nana: I started learning English when I was 8 years old.
Why did you come to La Garenne?
Kate: My parents showed me the school website and I said I want to go there. I want to go skiing.
Nana: I like nature and La Garenne is in the mountains and to help my English.
What job do you want to do when you are older?
Nana: A zoo keeper.
Kate: I want to be a pediatrician. 
Thank you girls, we hope you have a great term.

Categories: Academic


IB Middle Years Programme

We are delighted to announce that La Garenne is now a fully authorised MYP school! In addition to our recent approval to offer the IB Diploma Programme from September, we have now been fully accredited to offer the IB Middle Years Programme.
This puts La Garenne in a unique position where we have two rigorous and globally recognised academic programmes in the Secondary School which ensure continuity of learning between the 11-18 age ranges. The future is looking very bright indeed and we are hugely excited as we move into the next chapter of La Garenne's long history.


Categories: Academic


Space and the Colonisation of Mars

The M3 language Acquisition group are looking at space exploration and the colonisation of Mars as their topic this term. The focus is not only learning about the topic but debating the relative merits and demerits of space travel and exploration. Today the students were debating whether it is better to stay on Earth and fix the problems or travel into space and improve humanity that way.
Unfortunately the photos do not have sound, otherwise you would hear the energy and passion in the various arguments, but if you look at their hands you will see the body language being used to emphasis their points.






Categories: Academic


Break-time reading

Lots of our La Garenne students love a good book and some of them spend almost every break reading.  We’re glad that reading is so popular as we know that it’s not just enjoyable, but it’s good for us too.  Did you know that reading regularly has lots of benefits?  It improves our brain connectivity, increases our vocabulary, empowers us to empathise with other people and reduces stress!


Categories: Academic


Intervention groups and Learning Support at LG

Intervention groups and Learning Support at LG is open to any child who may need some short term support, for example, to improve their handwriting (fine motor skills), spelling, reading or maths. The sessions are usually very practical and are designed to be lots of fun whilst focusing on individual needs. This week, in the Fine Motor Skills group, we have practised cutting, threading letters and also writing with our eyes closed. The highlight was making shapes using Hama beads. 

In the Maths intervention group, we have been working on comparing measurements and practising our times tables. 

Some of the children come to a break time club to work on reading and spelling using an online programme…...this is always popular as there are lots of fun games to play. 

Categories: Academic

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