Stocking Fillers
With the holidays just a few days away, we have some great ideas for last-minute presents for your children. These books come highly recommended and we know your children will love them.
The Snow Dragon: In Griselda Bone's gloomy orphanage, daydreaming is banned, skipping is forbidden and Christmas is well and truly cancelled. But for Phoebe and her sausage dog Herb, is it possible that, just when things seem at their bleakest, magic awaits in the swirling, snow-filled air?
Join a brave little mouse on a big Christmas adventure! This is the chapter book edition of Alex T. Smith's modern Christmas classic How Winston Delivered Christmas, with gorgeous black and white illustrations from the author throughout – the perfect festive gift for newly confident readers.
When George stumbles across Marley's Curiosity Shop, he finds a mysterious and magical snow globe.

The Snow Dragon: In Griselda Bone's gloomy orphanage, daydreaming is banned, skipping is forbidden and Christmas is well and truly cancelled. But for Phoebe and her sausage dog Herb, is it possible that, just when things seem at their bleakest, magic awaits in the swirling, snow-filled air?