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Entry Points for the final IMYC units of this year

On Tuesday the students in Years 7, 8 and 9 went to Montreux for the Entry Points for the final IMYC units of this year. The students were required to complete a quiz and a photo challenge, as well as a task specifically related to their Big Idea.   
The Big Idea for Year 9 is based on Leadership. The students were putting their own leadership skills to the test. They had to make their own way to and from Montreux using public transport, accompanied by two 'passive' teachers who shadowed them for security reasons and also to observe and feed back on their leadership skills. In Montreux, their main task was to examine why and how Montreux maintains its position as a leading tourist centre. 
Year 8 were at looking at Communication - 'when information is shared accurately and clearly, the end result is more effective.' Their main task was to produce a group presentation on Communication in Action, based on their observations over the course of the day. They will be presenting this in a future assembly, communicating to their peers and teachers. 
Collaboration was the main theme for Year 7 - 'When people work together, they can achieve a common goal'. Collaboration in Action was the central idea of their main task and a future presentation at a Junior Assembly. They were also required to organise themselves and collaborate effectively in order to complete their tasks successfully.
The students and the accompanying teachers had a very enjoyable day, learning a lot about themselves, their peers and, of course,  Montreux!
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Entry Points for the final IMYC units of this year

Categories: Academic

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