Primary children back to school
Prioritising student`s happiness and wellbeing is a fundamental part of education. At La Garenne we are continuously trying to incorporate new ideas into the school day to develop a culture of positivity and kindness. As well as teaching the academic subjects to our students, we teach the children the skills they need to look after their own mental health and wellbeing.
Happiness Challenge Monday 13th - Monday 20th January Get Involved!
For one week we have asked the children if they can do the following and we would love it if you could all get involved as a family:
● What Went Well?
You and your child/children share one thing that went well for them each day. This could be during dinner or just before saying goodnight. This helps rewire the brain to spot the positive more and savour those experiences.
● Thank you Letter or Postcard
Your child could write one letter of gratitude (thank you) to someone in their lives who does a lot for them and to whom they`d like to show gratitude. It helps if they give specific things they are thankful for. They then give the letter to the person or read it to them over skype. Children will benefit from the act of reflecting and appreciating all of the people who are important to them, plus they get to experience how powerful it can be to let someone know they are appreciated.