World Food Day
World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16 Octoberin honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organizationof the United Nationsin 1945.
Kirsty's Class made gingerbread on World Food Day. They identified where in the world the different spices came from and also learnt to recycle food waste in their new Recycling Corner.
Year 1 & 2
Year 1 and 2 enjoyed listening to the story of Handa's Surprise. We identified the different fruits and thought about where the fruit we eat comes from. We tasted lots of fruit and then drew them with pastels to make Handa's basket.
Year 3 & 4
To celebrate World Food Day, Year 3 and 4 did some food tasting. They asked themselves 3 important questions. What was the food? Where did it come from? Is it a sustainable product?
Everyone had lots of fun. The children tried a variety of fruit even if they thought they didn't like it so they should be very proud.
Year 5
The children sorted and ordered 40 countries to find the 20 who ate the most food and the 20 who ate the least food per day. They then researched a traditional food/dish that they had never heard of, from another country, and created a display with pictures and information.
Year 6
Year 6 have been learning about Fairtrade and what it means for both producers and consumers. On World Food Day they walked to the local Coop to complete some research. They had to find products which were labelled with the Fairtrade logo, identify the Fairtrade ingredients(s) and their origin, as well record its price and that of a comparable product. Year 6 were amazed at how many different Fairtrade products they found and also how often they had already been choosing to buy Fairtrade without even knowing it!