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The La Garenne Blog


Articles tagged with: boarding


Congratulations to our IB Graduates!

Each of them has demonstrated amazing progress and commitment over the last year and we are incredibly proud of their results.
The average IB DP score worldwide this year is 30 points, whereas La Garenne has achieved four points higher than that.
Our IB Diploma students all received multiple university offers and have now been accepted at their first choice university in the UK, the US and here in Switzerland.
The coming months are going to be an incredibly exciting time for them and we wish them the very best for their future studies and careers.
(And remember graduates: Be Happy and Never, Never, Never Give Up!)

LG IB results 24

Categories: Academic


Primary Visit to "Alimentarium"

This beautiful and sunny Tuesday 1st June, the Year 3/4 class went on a trip to the Alimentarium in Vevey. They enjoyed a walk along the lakefront, playing in the park and a fantastic picnic where they ate their bespoke, hand made, triple decker sandwiches that they had prepared the day before.  

Inside the Alimentarium there were lots of great interactive displays which taught us all about where food comes from and how it gets transported around the world. 

We really enjoyed playing on the educational games and learning about how different cultures around the world eat in different ways and what different types of food were eaten throughout history.

Upstairs we learned about being Vegan, digestion and our senses.

After a quick break for an ice cream we returned to complete our workshop where we made citron confits and our own curry mix using 8 different spices! We had so much fun and can’t wait to cook our very own curry!

alimentarium blog1 alimentarium blog2 alimentarium blog3 alimentarium blog4 alimentarium blog5 alimentarium blog6 alimentarium blog7 alimentarium blog8


Categories: Academic


School Fair

Some of the Year 1 & 2 children created their own School Fair this morning in class, they participated in a range of games and activities. The children were building vocabulary and developing their understanding of story setting; the children will be reading the book Dogger, by Shirley Hughes next week. They enjoyed measuring ingredients to make cakes and finding the correct coins to pay for the games. What an exciting morning!

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Categories: Academic


Non-fiction unit in Literacy

As part of our non-fiction unit in Literacy, year 3/4 have studied “Persuasive Writing” techniques. As we are all very passionate about animals, we chose to discuss the topic of zoos. The class started by thinking about all the positive things about zoos before turning to look at the negative points. We used drama to hot seat and take on the role of an animal in the zoo so we could consider another P.O.V - Point of view. After finding out more facts and considering all the research we had to choose to be either “For” or “Against” zoos. We then had a class debate and were allowed to change our opinion if we had been persuaded by the other team. Finally, we wrote persuasive arguments to convince our audience that zoos were either good or bad.


Non-fiction unit in Literacy

Categories: Academic


Academic Blog: End of Term

Today saw the first term of 2017-2018 come to an end. The exams are over, the end-of-term reports have been sent and all the members of the La Garenne community are looking forward to a well-earned holiday.

This morning we held the Academic Exhibition. The parents were invited to the Academia building and each class was able to showcase the work that they have been doing throughout the term. The accompanying pictures show some of the presentations and demonstrations that were available for the visitors to see.

The morning was concluded with the Christmas Show, performed with great enthusiasm by the younger students. Our sincere thanks go to all of the teachers and students who were involved in this production, which was very much appreciated by the parents.

During the afternoon, Parent/Teacher meetings were held in Academia during which the parents were able to meet with the teachers of their children. Direct discussions of this type are extremely valuable in developing the productive partnerships that exist between the school and the parents. The meetings allow for detailed discussions on matters arising from the reports. They also enable the teachers and school leaders to put in place strategies that guarantee the effective development and progress of each individual student, in unison with the parents.

After the meetings, the students and their parents left snowy Villars for the winter holidays – being sure not to forget their holiday homework and reading list, of course!

May I take this opportunity to wish the whole community of La Garenne a very happy Festive Season!  

Academic Blog: End of Term

Categories: Academic

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